Hello Mom
What is going on? Well another great week, also another week done which is crazy to think of for sure. Well things are good here, I am just working super hard doing all we can to try and build up the area as much as possible. Sounds like you had a fun time in Colorado. The weather here has been pretty decent, it has been in low 30's and high 40's, and supposed to snow tomorrow, but here you never know if it will actually happen. I am going to pack a few boxes and send them home to you. They are pretty expensive to send, the flat rate boxes went up in postage. I am going to think about how to send them. We committed some people to baptism, but they still haven't came to church, and they have alot more progress to make so we will see what happens. I am excited to come home and see the family for sure, I am really starting to miss everyone. Have you recieved my flight information yet? I am just curious... Anyways, I love you! Have a good week.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
What is going on? Well another great week, also another week done which is crazy to think of for sure. Well things are good here, I am just working super hard doing all we can to try and build up the area as much as possible. Sounds like you had a fun time in Colorado. The weather here has been pretty decent, it has been in low 30's and high 40's, and supposed to snow tomorrow, but here you never know if it will actually happen. I am going to pack a few boxes and send them home to you. They are pretty expensive to send, the flat rate boxes went up in postage. I am going to think about how to send them. We committed some people to baptism, but they still haven't came to church, and they have alot more progress to make so we will see what happens. I am excited to come home and see the family for sure, I am really starting to miss everyone. Have you recieved my flight information yet? I am just curious... Anyways, I love you! Have a good week.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Hey Mom
I hope things are going well for you! Sounds like you are having fun in Colorado. So you think that the weather there is cold? Haha, that is not cold, that is warm. New Jersey is having some freakish cold weather right now, with the humitity and wind chill it gets crazy. We got 14 inches of snow last Wednesday, and we are supposed to get 6 more inches tonight. Thanks so much for the valentines day package. I always love your packages for sure! Oh I found out I am staying in Morristown for my last transfer. I am glad to stay here for sure! Oh, here is a story for you for the week. We have a new convert named Marcie, she lives with like 4 or 5 other people, and we are teaching them. We are going over there this week and we are going to watch the movie "Joseph Smith, the prophet of the restoration", which should be really good. I am excited, the member is really a sweet lady. Last week was pretty slow with everything going on, it was a snow day for zone conference. I am hoping this next week will be better. Time is flying by, and I am working really hard. I am not going to lie, I am getting excited to come home, it has been 2 years since I have seen my family, and it will be 3 months short of 3 years since I saw Logan..
I love you, have a good week.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
I hope things are going well for you! Sounds like you are having fun in Colorado. So you think that the weather there is cold? Haha, that is not cold, that is warm. New Jersey is having some freakish cold weather right now, with the humitity and wind chill it gets crazy. We got 14 inches of snow last Wednesday, and we are supposed to get 6 more inches tonight. Thanks so much for the valentines day package. I always love your packages for sure! Oh I found out I am staying in Morristown for my last transfer. I am glad to stay here for sure! Oh, here is a story for you for the week. We have a new convert named Marcie, she lives with like 4 or 5 other people, and we are teaching them. We are going over there this week and we are going to watch the movie "Joseph Smith, the prophet of the restoration", which should be really good. I am excited, the member is really a sweet lady. Last week was pretty slow with everything going on, it was a snow day for zone conference. I am hoping this next week will be better. Time is flying by, and I am working really hard. I am not going to lie, I am getting excited to come home, it has been 2 years since I have seen my family, and it will be 3 months short of 3 years since I saw Logan..
I love you, have a good week.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Monday, February 8th, 2010
Hey whats going on Mom? Well it has been really chilly here. Today is not as bad it a little over 30 but its been like low 20 and teens the last couple days which has been pretty chilly but I have been allright and not too cold. Time is just flying by its February, thats means next month I will be home... WOW, thats just crazy! I think it is really insane, but I am excited to come home. But it hasn't affected me I am still working really hard so thats not to big of a problem. THANKS so much for the package it was great, I am going to make one of the crumb cakes today actually, so thats should be pretty fun I guess. Well I can't wait to relax the rest of the day it will be really nice. Well not to many crazy things happening here so its all good. What else is new for you? I am glad that your doing okay. I think you should be getting a letter from the mission soon talking about me coming home soon, so thats pretty crazy. I hope everything continues to go well for you, I am great here working hard. I love you.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Hey whats going on Mom? Well it has been really chilly here. Today is not as bad it a little over 30 but its been like low 20 and teens the last couple days which has been pretty chilly but I have been allright and not too cold. Time is just flying by its February, thats means next month I will be home... WOW, thats just crazy! I think it is really insane, but I am excited to come home. But it hasn't affected me I am still working really hard so thats not to big of a problem. THANKS so much for the package it was great, I am going to make one of the crumb cakes today actually, so thats should be pretty fun I guess. Well I can't wait to relax the rest of the day it will be really nice. Well not to many crazy things happening here so its all good. What else is new for you? I am glad that your doing okay. I think you should be getting a letter from the mission soon talking about me coming home soon, so thats pretty crazy. I hope everything continues to go well for you, I am great here working hard. I love you.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Monday, February 1st, 2010
Hi Mom!
Well we found 2 amazing people this week, one is a jamacian lady that takes care of 2 older people in Madison. We found her while tracking which was great we taught her a first lesson, and it went very well we taught her yesterday the second lesson. We are going to comit her for baptism on Thursday when we see her again. On Saturday we met a sweet lady name Kerry she let us in we taught her a first and as we shared the first vision she started to tear up she said I can feel the spirit, so it was really good we are going to go back and teach here this next week. That is great that Jayson and Tina are coming for the weekend, be sure and tell them "Hello". Our cousin Alex sounds like a cool guy, can't wait to meet him! I believe those were a couple good experiences that I had this week. I love you so much! I will see you in 2 months, it is coming fast! take care. Love, Elder Colten Wells
Hi Mom!
Well we found 2 amazing people this week, one is a jamacian lady that takes care of 2 older people in Madison. We found her while tracking which was great we taught her a first lesson, and it went very well we taught her yesterday the second lesson. We are going to comit her for baptism on Thursday when we see her again. On Saturday we met a sweet lady name Kerry she let us in we taught her a first and as we shared the first vision she started to tear up she said I can feel the spirit, so it was really good we are going to go back and teach here this next week. That is great that Jayson and Tina are coming for the weekend, be sure and tell them "Hello". Our cousin Alex sounds like a cool guy, can't wait to meet him! I believe those were a couple good experiences that I had this week. I love you so much! I will see you in 2 months, it is coming fast! take care. Love, Elder Colten Wells
Monday, January 25th, 2010
Hi to all. Glad to hear everything is good back home. I am doing awesome. We are teaching a sweet jamacian lady, she is so cool and is loving learning. We are seeing her again tomorrow. Oh you asked about a temple trip? Yea, I will have a last temple trip on my last transfer, we get to go to the statue of liberty and also to Ellis Island, we go with all the departing missionaries and the MP and his wife, that should be fun. I did get the package and the cash, Thanks so much. I am glad to be just a normal missionary, I am working hard till the end, so no worries. I love you, till next week.
Elder Colten Wells
Hi to all. Glad to hear everything is good back home. I am doing awesome. We are teaching a sweet jamacian lady, she is so cool and is loving learning. We are seeing her again tomorrow. Oh you asked about a temple trip? Yea, I will have a last temple trip on my last transfer, we get to go to the statue of liberty and also to Ellis Island, we go with all the departing missionaries and the MP and his wife, that should be fun. I did get the package and the cash, Thanks so much. I am glad to be just a normal missionary, I am working hard till the end, so no worries. I love you, till next week.
Elder Colten Wells
Monday, January 18th, 2010
Hello Mom!
Well it has been a pretty good week, we are still working hard and we are finding new people to teach. We are trying to build our teaching pool here. It is pretty cool cause we are in the same ward as President and Sister Bahr so that kinda weird but cool at the same time. We are really trying our hardest. The weather has been really nice lately it rained all day yesterday but still not that bad. Oh what else? I am trying to work my companion to death he is a little disobdient but I won't let him but he tries so it has been pretty fun i guess you could say. Well, I would love a package that would be great! So anyways thats about all that is going on here, I am just working really hard and I am going to finish strong! I am not dying at all thats for sure, I am just going to keep doing what I am doing now and I will be fine! Well I love you so much, I hope you have a great week! No worries about me, things are good here!
I love you and I will talk to you nextweek.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Hello Mom!
Well it has been a pretty good week, we are still working hard and we are finding new people to teach. We are trying to build our teaching pool here. It is pretty cool cause we are in the same ward as President and Sister Bahr so that kinda weird but cool at the same time. We are really trying our hardest. The weather has been really nice lately it rained all day yesterday but still not that bad. Oh what else? I am trying to work my companion to death he is a little disobdient but I won't let him but he tries so it has been pretty fun i guess you could say. Well, I would love a package that would be great! So anyways thats about all that is going on here, I am just working really hard and I am going to finish strong! I am not dying at all thats for sure, I am just going to keep doing what I am doing now and I will be fine! Well I love you so much, I hope you have a great week! No worries about me, things are good here!
I love you and I will talk to you nextweek.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Monday, January 11th,2010
Hello...So what is going on? Well things are going good here .I am just working hard in the new area which is great its a really nice established ward. It is alot like the Ledgewood Ward where I just came from which is pretty nice. Things are going pretty well, I have a fairly new companion, this is his second transfer in the mission he has been out 7 weeks and he still has lots to learn but he is doing pretty well he is from Alberta Canada which is cool. This area was pretty dead, the last and the last missionary that was here was pretty dead too. It was eElder Searle, who was my MTC companion, but I am going to build it back up so we have people to teach and so forth. The weather has been pretty cold I would have to say not as bad as last week but still pretty cold it hasn't really been over 30 in the last 2weeks. I have started running again in the mornings it was about 15 when I went running this morning but its all good for sure. I am in the same zone as before I am just not the Zone Leader which is great, so my old companion Elder Shields is now my ZL which is pretty cool I guess. Well thats about all going on here just likeI said just working hard trying to find new people to teach so its been fun! My companion told me we did more work last week than him and his old companion did the whole 6 weeks before. So I guess I am working him hard. We have to show the new missionaries good work ethics. I love you tons! Thanks for the card and cash, I bought a pizza. Love, Elder Colten Wells
Hello...So what is going on? Well things are going good here .I am just working hard in the new area which is great its a really nice established ward. It is alot like the Ledgewood Ward where I just came from which is pretty nice. Things are going pretty well, I have a fairly new companion, this is his second transfer in the mission he has been out 7 weeks and he still has lots to learn but he is doing pretty well he is from Alberta Canada which is cool. This area was pretty dead, the last and the last missionary that was here was pretty dead too. It was eElder Searle, who was my MTC companion, but I am going to build it back up so we have people to teach and so forth. The weather has been pretty cold I would have to say not as bad as last week but still pretty cold it hasn't really been over 30 in the last 2weeks. I have started running again in the mornings it was about 15 when I went running this morning but its all good for sure. I am in the same zone as before I am just not the Zone Leader which is great, so my old companion Elder Shields is now my ZL which is pretty cool I guess. Well thats about all going on here just likeI said just working hard trying to find new people to teach so its been fun! My companion told me we did more work last week than him and his old companion did the whole 6 weeks before. So I guess I am working him hard. We have to show the new missionaries good work ethics. I love you tons! Thanks for the card and cash, I bought a pizza. Love, Elder Colten Wells
Colten and Larry

I got the sweetest email from Betty, her father Larry passed away on January 13th. Colten got special permission from his mission president, to attend his funeral. Colten gave the opening prayer, and also a talk and was also a pall bearer. Betty had told me that Colten was the only missionary that her father would let talk to him about the gospel. Thanks for the sweet note, Betty!
Monday, December 21st, 2009
Hello, well things are going okay here. As usual just working hard we have transfers coming up Jan 6th which is pretty soon I will probably be out of this area so I can go to my last area for 2 transfers before I am home which is totally crazy to think about. I am trying to work really hard I am not going to die or get trunky I am going to work my butt off! It hasn't hit me at all that I will be going home, so I am still doing just fine. We got a couple presents from the members here were waiting to open them till christmas morning which should be fun. Sorry I didn't do much for you guys we have been so busy latley we are just working our butts off like crazy we havent had time for anything else. You should have a card any day now. Well lets see a week and a half a go was Dads birthday but I don't have there address so I couldn't send him a birthday card I had a member from a couple wards ago call him he didn't answer but I guess he told him Happy Birthday for me I hope that he got it. Thanks so much for the subway card we already used it, I also got a card from Grandma and Grandpa so that was really nice of them. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and I will talk to you on Friday if I make 2 seperate calls I can talk a hour on each phone call so that would be the better thing to do more time of course! Not to much more to say I will see ya soon but talk to you in 4 days thats going to be great! I love you tons have a great week, thanks so much for everything your the greatest ever.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Hello, well things are going okay here. As usual just working hard we have transfers coming up Jan 6th which is pretty soon I will probably be out of this area so I can go to my last area for 2 transfers before I am home which is totally crazy to think about. I am trying to work really hard I am not going to die or get trunky I am going to work my butt off! It hasn't hit me at all that I will be going home, so I am still doing just fine. We got a couple presents from the members here were waiting to open them till christmas morning which should be fun. Sorry I didn't do much for you guys we have been so busy latley we are just working our butts off like crazy we havent had time for anything else. You should have a card any day now. Well lets see a week and a half a go was Dads birthday but I don't have there address so I couldn't send him a birthday card I had a member from a couple wards ago call him he didn't answer but I guess he told him Happy Birthday for me I hope that he got it. Thanks so much for the subway card we already used it, I also got a card from Grandma and Grandpa so that was really nice of them. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and I will talk to you on Friday if I make 2 seperate calls I can talk a hour on each phone call so that would be the better thing to do more time of course! Not to much more to say I will see ya soon but talk to you in 4 days thats going to be great! I love you tons have a great week, thanks so much for everything your the greatest ever.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Monday, December 7th, 2009
Hello,what is going on Mom? Sounds like things are going pretty well for you. Lets see things are pretty good here nice and cold thats for sure but its all good. I am getting used to it again. Yes,we were able to watch the christmas devotional we watched it at the church last night it was great! President Monson is so good at telling stories it was really good I enjoyed it. I am not sure if the gps came in, one of our zone members picked up the mail for us because we had a appointment this morning so I will find out tommorrow if not I will get it next week. Thanks so much for that! A member gave us a little fake tree yesterday for our house which is pretty cool first christmas tree in almost 2 years I didn't have one last year so its kinds nice to get one this year. We have been really working hard we are really trying to get new investigators but its been really difficult but we are doing are very best thats all we can do. Wow, I miss Charleston's restrauant so much that amazing soup and sandwhich is so good! Sounds like Aardbark has been busy, and you are working hard. How is the business going? Has work slowed down much or is it about the same? Thanks so much for sending the new bank card, that would stink to be without it if i needed it. Oh thanks for the stamps also. Well things are going ok here like I said just trying to work as hard as possible. Well I am not to sure if I am doing the christmas cards again just cause its takes some time and it seems like I hardly have time anymore just always too busy. I will try can't promise but I will try to get at least one for you! Well I am trying really hard to finish the B of M right now before christmas thats what President Bahr wants us to do so thats what I am working on, I have to read about 12 pages a day to finish so I am going to do that for sure. That is about all that is going on here, we get to talk like in 18 days which is not very far at all. I hope you have a great week I love you and miss you and I might be emailing late next week cause I am going to the temple Saturday with our ward so that will be our P-Day for next week. So if you don't get a email next Monday that is why. I love you!
Elder Colten Wells
Hello,what is going on Mom? Sounds like things are going pretty well for you. Lets see things are pretty good here nice and cold thats for sure but its all good. I am getting used to it again. Yes,we were able to watch the christmas devotional we watched it at the church last night it was great! President Monson is so good at telling stories it was really good I enjoyed it. I am not sure if the gps came in, one of our zone members picked up the mail for us because we had a appointment this morning so I will find out tommorrow if not I will get it next week. Thanks so much for that! A member gave us a little fake tree yesterday for our house which is pretty cool first christmas tree in almost 2 years I didn't have one last year so its kinds nice to get one this year. We have been really working hard we are really trying to get new investigators but its been really difficult but we are doing are very best thats all we can do. Wow, I miss Charleston's restrauant so much that amazing soup and sandwhich is so good! Sounds like Aardbark has been busy, and you are working hard. How is the business going? Has work slowed down much or is it about the same? Thanks so much for sending the new bank card, that would stink to be without it if i needed it. Oh thanks for the stamps also. Well things are going ok here like I said just trying to work as hard as possible. Well I am not to sure if I am doing the christmas cards again just cause its takes some time and it seems like I hardly have time anymore just always too busy. I will try can't promise but I will try to get at least one for you! Well I am trying really hard to finish the B of M right now before christmas thats what President Bahr wants us to do so thats what I am working on, I have to read about 12 pages a day to finish so I am going to do that for sure. That is about all that is going on here, we get to talk like in 18 days which is not very far at all. I hope you have a great week I love you and miss you and I might be emailing late next week cause I am going to the temple Saturday with our ward so that will be our P-Day for next week. So if you don't get a email next Monday that is why. I love you!
Elder Colten Wells
Monday, January 4th, 2010
Hey, whats going on Mom? Well things are going good here. Well transfers are now tommorrow which is okay, I am sad to leave this area but it will be good to go somewhere my last 2 transfers. I have no clue where I am going but I am sure it will be fine, I am not to worried at all. Everything will be fine I am sure. Thanks for everything you do I had a great birthday we went out to the Cooks house and they made me steak and potatoes it was so good I loved it. I will let you know next week where my new house is and whats going on. After we get thru here and emailing I am going home to pack everything up and be ready to move tomorrow so it is kinda of exciting. I am just going to be a normal missionary no calling and I can just work as hard as I can and not have to worry about to much it will be great. I am pretty excited about that! Time is just flying by I have hardly any time left and I will be home before you know it which is absolutely crazy, I can't believe it at times. Thanks for all that you do Mom, I love you! Oh, how was Garth Brooks? Man, I would love to see him in concert. I bet it was amazing. I love you tons, have a great week. I will let you next week whats going on and where I am at and things.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Hey, whats going on Mom? Well things are going good here. Well transfers are now tommorrow which is okay, I am sad to leave this area but it will be good to go somewhere my last 2 transfers. I have no clue where I am going but I am sure it will be fine, I am not to worried at all. Everything will be fine I am sure. Thanks for everything you do I had a great birthday we went out to the Cooks house and they made me steak and potatoes it was so good I loved it. I will let you know next week where my new house is and whats going on. After we get thru here and emailing I am going home to pack everything up and be ready to move tomorrow so it is kinda of exciting. I am just going to be a normal missionary no calling and I can just work as hard as I can and not have to worry about to much it will be great. I am pretty excited about that! Time is just flying by I have hardly any time left and I will be home before you know it which is absolutely crazy, I can't believe it at times. Thanks for all that you do Mom, I love you! Oh, how was Garth Brooks? Man, I would love to see him in concert. I bet it was amazing. I love you tons, have a great week. I will let you next week whats going on and where I am at and things.
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Monday, December 28th, 2009
Hey whats going on Mom? Well things are still the same around here as they were 3 days ago at christmas. It was so good to talk to all of you guys it was great. Today is P-Day which is great I am excited to relax a little bit since it has been forever. Well can you let Dad know that I got there package it was great for sure, I got it Saturday so that was cool! Ithink you are flying home today if I am right? I am on the computer a little earlier than normal but we got done with everything pretty early this morning which was great. We are just going to go to the mission office after this and pick up mail then we are done for the day which is really pretty nice. Thanks again for everthing is was nice of you! You are such a awesome Mom, to take such good care of me! Well transfers are on the 6 of January I will probably get transferd and dropped as a ZL and just be a normal missionary, which would be nice but whatever they have in store for me I am fine with! There is supposed to be snow flurries today but who knows, New Jersey's weather is the craziest ever its so weird yesterday is was 55 today it is 35 and tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 23. I don't understand the weather but its all good for sure. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and you have a happy new year and I will see ya in 3 months! I hope you have a great trip back to AZ! Tell everyone at work I say "hello". I love you tons Mom!
Love, Elder Colten Wells
Hey whats going on Mom? Well things are still the same around here as they were 3 days ago at christmas. It was so good to talk to all of you guys it was great. Today is P-Day which is great I am excited to relax a little bit since it has been forever. Well can you let Dad know that I got there package it was great for sure, I got it Saturday so that was cool! Ithink you are flying home today if I am right? I am on the computer a little earlier than normal but we got done with everything pretty early this morning which was great. We are just going to go to the mission office after this and pick up mail then we are done for the day which is really pretty nice. Thanks again for everthing is was nice of you! You are such a awesome Mom, to take such good care of me! Well transfers are on the 6 of January I will probably get transferd and dropped as a ZL and just be a normal missionary, which would be nice but whatever they have in store for me I am fine with! There is supposed to be snow flurries today but who knows, New Jersey's weather is the craziest ever its so weird yesterday is was 55 today it is 35 and tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 23. I don't understand the weather but its all good for sure. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and you have a happy new year and I will see ya in 3 months! I hope you have a great trip back to AZ! Tell everyone at work I say "hello". I love you tons Mom!
Love, Elder Colten Wells
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